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 General Rotation Eligibility Requirements and Application

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​To apply directly for a clinical rotation educational opportunity at Marshfield Clinic Division of Education, please follow these steps:

Step 1:

Complete an Educational Opportunity Application Form​

Step 2:

Complete a Health Information Report​

  • The form must be accompanied by copies of medical and immunization records. The learner is responsible for all costs of immunizations.
Step 3:​

Students with Clinicals at MCHS Wisconsin Sites:  

Complete the Background Information Disclosure Form​​​.

Note:  This form requires a cursive/manual (not electronic) signature, and in order for us to run the background check, we need documentation of your Social Security Number. Marshfield Clinic will review the results and notify the school that the student is approved or denied for participation.

Students with Clinical at MCHS Michigan Sites:

​Complete the MI Background Check Consent Form.

Note:  This form requires a cursive/manual (not electronic) signature, and in order for us to run the background check, we need documentation of your Social Security Number. Marshfield Clinic will review the results and notify the school that the student is approved or denied for participation.

Students with Clinicals at both Wisconsin AND Michigan Sites:

Complete and submit both forms: Background Information Disclosure Form​ and MI Background Check ​Consent Form​

Step 4:

Submit your completed Application Form, Health Information Report, Background Information Disclosure Form, and the following documents, to the Division of Education:

  • Acknowledgement that you are in good standing at your educational institution
  • Proof of professional liability
  • Licensure (if applicable)
  • Copy of program evaluation form
  • Curriculum of expectations

Please submit your application documents as one unit.  Applications will not be considered unless the above documents are submitted together.

In order to coordinate the best possible learning experience, Marshfield Clinic Division of Education must receive all requested materials at least 30 business days (approximately six weeks) prior to the start of your requested program experience.  If you have been working with a specific Education Program Specialist, please email or fax your application to that person, or you can send the materials to a shared email account:   

Step 5:

When required, Marshfield Clinic Division of Education will work with your educational institution to obtain a medical program letter of memorandum or institution contract.  This must be submitted electronically in the format supplied by  Marshfield Clinic Division of Education.  Allow additional time (up to 6 months) if your educational institution does not have a current contract with Marshfield Clinic.

Do not assume an educational request has been approved until you have received confirmation from Marshfield Clinic Division of Education. If you have questions, please Division of Education program specialist .

NOTE: Unfortunately, we are unable to host requests from offshore/international schools for any student medical rotations or observations at this time.