Marshfield Clinic Health System Resident
Well-Being Committee (RWBC) was formed in 2004 to promote a healthy
clinical learning and work environment for the residents and fellows and
provide trainees with support and resources to maintain personal well-being and
mental health. RWBC provides well-being training and programming, resident/fellow
consultation, program leadership support, and system-level advocacy to promote
individual and team wellness, healthy stress management, prevention of burnout
and depression, and maintenance of joy in clinical practice. RWBC serves as a primary resource to bridge
residents and fellows to a wide array of institutional well-being resources and
formal treatment services. RWBC wellness
programming is a significant strength of graduate medical education training at
MCHS, enhancing global support resources to maximize learning, growth, and
well-being through training.
Division of Education support for your well-being through training is one example of the Marshfield Clinic Health System's commitment to support for global clinician and health care workforce well-being. MCHS joined the
National Academy of Medicine's Action Collaborative on Clinician Well-Being and Resilience
in December 2017 with the submission of the
MCHS Commitment Statement
. We view the
2018 Charter on Physician Health
as a very useful guide for RWBC's work with residents and fellows and advocacy within our system to support your well-being.
Activities of RWBC
Individual and Group Consultation with Residents, Fellows and Medical Students
RWBC consultations are confidential and free. Please see additional details about consultations and how to arrange one here: Consult With Us
Wellness Programming
- Annual Resident & Fellow Well-Being Retreat
- PGY1 Resident Wellness Orientation
- PGY1 Health and Wellness Assessment
- Annual Health and Wellness Assessment – all residents and fellows
- PGY1 semi-annual, individual Wellness Checks
- Resident wellness Quality Improvement Projects
- Self-Assessment Wellness Tools
- Recognize, Respond, Refer Suicide Risk Reduction Training
- Crisis resource information
- Bridging to Behavioral Health services
- Facilitated discussions on well-being and mental health topics:
- Identification and Management of Burnout
- Strategies to Enhance Resilience During Training
- Imposter Syndrome
- Cultivating Mindfulness
- Asking for and Receiving Feedback Effectively
- Cultivating a Growth Mindset in Medical Training
- Mental Health Awareness, Management, and Resource Access During Training
Wellness Retreats
RWBC annually sponsors
a day-long off-site wellness retreat for all residents and fellows. Please check here for agendas, photos and videos for retreats since 2013.
DOE Leadership and Residency/Fellowship Program Collaboration:
- The Director of Graduate Medical Education (GME) Wellness meets monthly with the DIO to discuss well-being issues in the clinical learning environment.
- The Director of Graduate Medical Education (GME) Wellness meets monthly with residency/fellowship training directors and program coordinators to provide education on well-being topics and well-being resources, hear concerns, and identify solutions.
- RWBC Resident Representatives are important members of RWBC and serve as a critical source of ideas, feedback, and advocacy to enhance well-being efforts during training.
Physician and Allied Health committee (PHC) Collaboration:
- The Director of Graduate Medical Education (GME) Wellness serves as a committee member on PHC and meets bimonthly with the PHC Chairperson to promote a positive work culture.
- Collaborative efforts focus on identifying system challenges that negatively impact physician and resident/fellow well-being, promoting solutions to improve global well-being of medical teams, and enhancing wellness in the learning and work environment.
Faculty Development Collaboration:
- The Director of Graduate Medical Education (GME) Wellness and Faculty Development Lead collaborate to enhance faculty and resident well-being, a positive work culture, and a learning environment that maximizes the contributions and potential for all participants.
Graduate Medical Education Committee (GMEC):
- The Director of GME Wellness is a full member of GMEC, attends quarterly GMEC meetings, and presents an annual RWBC report to GMEC that highlights well-being information and initiatives.
Resident Well-being Committee Member Statements
Daniel Jurczyk, M.D.
Director of Graduate Medical Education (GME) Wellness
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health
My passion for resident well-being has been a driving force in my career. I have always found joy in building relationships with others and creating a positive environment for those around me. Whether it is listening to your background story, hearing your current struggles, discussing your goals in medicine, or connecting you with the resources you need to succeed, I want you to know that I am here for you. I find immense satisfaction in fostering those connections with residents as my colleagues in medicine and helping to facilitate a positive learning environment.
I believe that every individual deserves to feel valued, respected and supported. As the Director for GME Wellness, I am committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive environment where residents and fellows can thrive. Residents and fellows are the future of medicine, and my goal is to support them through the difficult training process and help them become the best medical professionals that they strive to be. Please do not hesitate to contact myself or any member of the Resident Well-Being Committee as we are here for you.

Rana Nasser, M.D.
Department of Infectious Disease
On most days, I love my job. Some days, I have to remind myself why. The challenges of medicine are many, and as residents train in recognizing and treating diseases, so must they train to keep themselves sane while they do it, a more challenging task. This is where I see the role of members of the resident well-being committee: they have been through the experience, still love what they do, and have committed to lending a helping hand. I have lived and practiced in different cultures, and by the nature of my role as an infectious disease physician, interact with many residents. Stop me in the hallway anytime something's on your mind: you might just give me a break from a day where I'm having to remind myself why I love what I do.
Rosemary Reriani, M.D.
Department of Nephrology
I truly believe that medicine is a rewarding career, but I find that many times I need to remind myself why I chose medicine. Other times I have needed my family, friends and colleagues to remind me of the reason for my commitment to a medical career. I was lucky enough to go through all my years of medical training with a very supportive family and two sisters who went through medical school at the same time as I did. For sure, I would not have made it without their support in my most difficult and darkest moments.
You are living life daily in the midst of your training. There will always be challenges and stressors that will present themselves during this time. Your need for balance, self-care and well-being is a constant. Your success at managing your personal life plays a big role in your success as a physician. When life happens, the RWBC is available to you.
I joined the RWBC to provide support and a listening ear. Having recently graduated from nephrology fellowship, I can relate to many of the challenges that residents encounter. So please know that I am always available to provide mentorship, support and encouragement.
Victoria Viegut, M.D.
Department of Pediatrics
As a primary care pediatrician, I work with residents every day. I appreciate your dedication and professionalism. As a working wife and mother with a busy pediatric practice, I also appreciate how much stress you are under to balance your personal and professional lives. I look forward to being available for questions, concerns, discussions, or problems. I am no expert on well-being, but I am looking forward to learning with you. The longer I am in practice, the more I see we have to take care of ourselves before we can take care of our patients.
Mark Ridder, M.D.
Department of Infectious Disease
No one would argue that being around people on their worst day is a challenge. As providers we are constantly exposed to a barrage of emotions, circumstances, in addition to having to make complicated decisions, and perform challenging tasks mired with risks. Without taking time to share in our experiences as clinicians, I have found it easy to have the expectation, unhealthily so, to believe that we could preempt all complications, predict the direction of our consultations, and deliver perfect health care each, and every time. However, on the contrary, one of my greatest joys in practicing medicine has been admitting that I, like my patients, like my colleagues, like my students, I am only so human. Transitioning away from the pressure of always having to have the "right answer" in all instances, delivering care with emotional awareness, accuracy, and intellect. Instead I have come to find tremendous fulfilment, as opposed to finding instances such as this to be exacting, taxing, and draining, due to fearing failure, but instead using them as opportunities instead to share of my vulnerabilities with my patients and fellow colleagues. I hope to share my same passion for shared vulnerability as the starting point of any practice of medicine. Above all else, know that you are not alone. Medicine is hard. It is challenging, but so very rewarding for this exact reason. It is my hope to be able to share this through the resident wellbeing committee, and in my daily practice in general. If you ever have need of someone to talk about these issues with, it is my hope you know that I see it is a tremendous privilege to be able to offer an ear.
Nicole Krolak, D.O.
Pediatrics - Hospitalist
I always knew I wanted to be a doctor and today I feel incredibly blessed to be here. What is more rewarding than helping people as a profession? Every day I get to know and help heal my patients, and this brings me so much joy! This is why we do what we do. But sometimes residency can feel like a Dickens novel “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times". So many aspects of medicine are filled with these intense moments- birthing a baby, responding to a trauma, running a code, having an end of life discussion, watching death... Sometimes taking care of yourself can seem to pale in comparison to these experiences. You may just need a reminder that it is OK to pause and take a breath.
I am honored to be a member of RWBC and to be with you through this journey of training. It will be some of your best days and some of your most trying days. This experience will mold you into the physician you will become. I'm here to listen, take a walk with you, bring a meal to you, or help in any other practical way I can. As a recent graduate from training, I remember keenly the depth of exhaustion post call. As a first time mom in residency, I understand the difficulty of balancing the demands of training with the equally important demands of home life. I lost a loved one during training, I know the days you will never get back. You are not alone in this journey. Please reach out if you need anything.
Resident Representatives
Sobiah Kahn, M.D.
Med-Peds Resident - PGY3
Rose Paskoff, M.D.Pediatric Resident - PGY3
Khushboo Patel, M.D.Internal Medicine Resident - PGY3
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