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 MCHS Behavioral Health Services

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​RWBC and your program support your efforts to engage self-care, including for mental health concerns. Depression, anxiety, suicidal thinking, substance misuse and other conditions may impact your well-being and your performance in residency. We encourage you to pursue mental health care for those conditions. You may pursue services directly on your own.  Resource information is provided below as well as on the Crisis Management Resources Link​ and MCHS Institutional Wellness Resources Link on the RWBC website. You may also align services by starting with a RWBC consult​ where we will listen to your concerns, help you identify options, develop a plan, and facilitate referrals if desired.​

MCHS Urgent and Emergent Services​

MCHS Daytime Options:

  • MCHS Psychiatry and Behavioral Health triage services.  Contact these resources at 715-387-5744 or 1-800-782-8581.  A Behavioral Health nurse will review your concerns and identify options to assist you.
  • ComPsych - the MCHS employee assistance program (EAP). Contact ComPsych at 1-877-822-1327 or

           > click on “Register"

           > enter the company ID: MARSHFIELD to get started.


MCHS After Hours Options:

  • Contact the MCHS Psychiatry and Behavioral Health on-call clinician at  715-387-5511 or 1-800-782-8581. A Behavioral Health on-call clinician will address your urgent concerns and help you manage concerns safely.


Safety and Suicide Risk Concerns

 National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

o   Call or text 988


     > 24/7 free, confidential support

      > Help for distressed individuals AND friends/loved ones of ​distressed 

      > Spanish option (1-888-628-9454)

      > Deaf and hard of hearing option (dial 711 and then 988)

Wisconsin County Crisis Lines

o   Prevent Suicide Wisconsin

   > List of country crisis hotlines

o   WI Department of Health Services

    > Crisis services information

    > List of county and national helplines


Non-Urgent/Emergent Psychiatry and Behavioral Health Services

1.  MCHS Psychiatry and Behavioral Health:

MCHS provides psychotherapy and medication management to medical students, residents, and fellows. Your PCP may refer you for services or you may self-refer by calling 715-387- 5744.

These are traditional outpatient mental health services for which your insurance will be billed, treatment will be documented in your medical chart, and you will be responsible for any co-pays or deductibles in accordance with your health insurance coverage. ​

For information on your MCHS health insurance coverage of Behavioral Health services please review the information at these links (please note, these documents are good for the benefit year listed on each plan):


Security Health Plan In Network Doctor:

1. Click in "I want a specific specialty."

2. Enter your subscriber number from you ID card, or choose "Marshfield Clinic Health System" from the drop down.

3. From the second drop down choose your plan name (Enrich (HMO), Enrich (POS) or Explore HMO).

4. Enter specialty: Counseling/AODA/Behavioral Health.

5. Enter mileage range and ZIP code.

6. Select Search.

7.This list will provide in network providers for this specialty.​


2.  ComPsych:

ComPsych, the MCHS employee assistance program (EAP), provides up to 5 free counseling sessions for you and any family members to address your concerns. 

Contact ComPsych at 1-877-822-1327 or

   > click on “Register"

   > enter the company ID: MARSHFIELD to get started.


3.  Marvin:

Marvin is a national company offering personalized mental health support to healthcare workers at reduced fee rates.  Services are offered to medical students, residents, and fellows.  Medical trainees who are members of the Wisconsin Medical Society can access Marvin for even lower rates.  Please see the links below for more information:


Wisconsin Medical Societ​​y​ 

4.  Internet-Based Resources to Support Your Mental Health:

One web-based tool for which there is data specific to its benefit for residents, is MoodGYM. The evidence is showing the benefit of these tools for well-being, resilience and management of anxiety and depression. Optimal use of these tools involves sharing your progress through the program with a therapist or trusted others as, when done independently, there is a high dropout rate.


MoodGYM addresses core cognitive-behavioral tools to understand our thoughts and emotions and then develop tools to support our wellbeing, which then reduces risks for depression, anxiety, and suicidal thinking. There is an annual subscription charge is $27.


MoodGYM and other computer-based programs are not meant to substitute for therapy. Rather they can be used in combination with therapy and may shorten the overall length of the treatment. They can also be used in a proactive manner as part of your self-care plan to build resiliency and reduce risk of mood difficulties during residency. 


5.  Additional Resources: