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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Seminars and Other Education Activities

Seminars on topics relevant to the goals of the fellowship are provided weekly by the training committee and allied providers.  Seminars are organized in areas of emphasis to assist the fellow in their integration into clinical services as part of their program.  Sequence to the seminar emphases is typically:  Orientation; Assessment; Treatment; Professional Issues; Special Topics.  Fellows participate in construction of the seminar series via completion of a needs assessment, construction of their Individualized Fellowship Plans and participation in a seminar to construct the seminar schedule. Fellows are expected to actively participate in the seminars providing didactic material from their prior training and experience, raising questions related to clinical practice, and discussing theoretical considerations.  In addition there is a monthly leadership seminar and a monthly professionalism seminar. These seminars are distinct from the weekly seminars as they focus specifically upon the competencies of professionalism, reflective practice/self-assessment/self-care, ethical/legal standards/policies, management-administration, leadership and advocacy. Emphasis in these seminars is on use of best practice discussions, readings and informal case presentations.

MCHS provides many opportunities for additional learning through weekly Grand Rounds presentations, onsite education conferences, Division of Education Medical Education Day, and other special events. Fellows are encouraged to participate in this broad range of educational opportunities.

An essential component to fellowship training is the acquisition of knowledge. This occurs in part through directed readings by program faculty and training director. Directed readings are provided to each fellow by each supervisor via a directed readings list and via specific materials provided throughout the year. Faculty may also provide directed readings in conjunction with seminars. Fellows are expected to read assigned materials and be prepared to review, discuss and demonstrate incorporation of relevant materials in patient care. Performance in this area is assessed by supervisors in the OPA assessments and the Clinical Competency Committee's semiannual review.