This one-year infectious diseases residency position has a unique scope that spans both hospital and ambulatory based infectious diseases care and antimicrobial stewardship policy. Though the physical location of the residency is at the flagship tertiary care hospital in Marshfield Wisconsin, the resident's responsibilities will span the breadth of the health system's antimicrobial stewardship program; 11 hospitals (3 critical access) and 65 ambulatory clinics across Wisconsin and the upper peninsula of Michigan. Training will include didactic and practical education in caring for a variety of infectious syndromes, antimicrobial use and microbiologic data collection and analysis, the provision of health-care professional education, and the development and management of antimicrobial stewardship policy that will direct the practice of the entire rural health system.

The PGY2 program will be unique in its design to equip the resident with the necessary skills and knowledge to grow and administrate their own antimicrobial stewardship program as well as to develop the clinical abilities required of an infectious diseases pharmacist. The resident will further have the opportunity to tailor their PGY2 experience to their specific interests with numerous longitudinal research and safety projects and participation in secondary quality and patient care committees. The resident will also be given responsibilities consistent with developing program competencies from ASHP as outlined below.
Program Purpose Statement
PGY2 pharmacy residency programs build on Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) education and PGY1 pharmacy residency programs to contribute to the development of clinical pharmacists in specialized areas of practice. PGY2 residencies provide residents with opportunities to function independently as practitioners by conceptualizing and integrating accumulated experience and knowledge and incorporating both into the provision of patient care or other advanced practice settings. Residents who successfully complete an accredited PGY2 pharmacy residency are prepared for advanced patient care, academic or other specialized positions, along with board certification, if available.
Program Competency Areas
Interact effectively with the patient care team including providers, staff, microbiologists, and infection preventionists to manage medication therapy for patients with infectious diseases.
Ensure continuity of care during infectious diseases patient transitions between care settings.
Effectively administrate meetings, policies, and procedures of the antimicrobial stewardship program.
Manage the antimicrobial formulary and serve on the antimicrobial stewardship program team for review of protected antimicrobials.
Demonstrate ability to conduct a quality improvement, research, and medication safety project.
Improve antimicrobial use processes.
Establish oneself as an organizational expert for infectious diseases.
Demonstrate leadership skills for successful self-evaluation in the provision of care for infectious diseases patients.
Provide effective medication and practice-related education to infectious diseases patients, caregivers, health care professionals, students, and the public.
Employ appropriate preceptor roles when engaged in treating students, fellow residents, or other health care professionals.
Participate in the publication process on an infectious-diseases related topics.
Program Structure
The program consists of a series of educational rotations and a number of longitudinal experiences. The PGY2 Pharmacy Residency Program Curriculum has been developed with the goal of fulfilling the program's purpose and achieving the listed competency areas described above. Please visit
this link for specific information about required learning experiences, required longitudinal learning experiences, professional development opportunities and program completion requirements.
Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like more information.
Program Director
Philip (Logan) Whitfield, PharmD, BCIDP
Antimicrobial Stewardship Coordinator
Phone: (715)387-7578 EXT: 77578
Sara Griesbach, PharmD, BCPS, BCACP
Director Clinical Pharmacy Services/PGY1 Pharmacy Residency
Phone: (715)221-9820 EXT: 19820