Below is a template schedule for our Internal Medicine Residents.
PGY1 Year
- 3-4 months: General Medical Ward Service*
- 1 month: Critical Care (ICU)
- 2 weeks: Cardiology
- 2 weeks: Neurology
- 1 month: Night Float
- 2 weeks (5-6 times/year): Outpatient Ambulatory Block
- 2-3 months: Electives
PGY2 Year
- 3-4 months: General Medical Ward Service*
- 2 months: Critical Care (ICU)
- 1 month: Emergency Medicine
- 2 weeks: Inpatient Consult/Hospitalist
- 1 month: Night Float
- 4-5 months: Electives
- 2 weeks (5 times/year): Outpatient Ambulatory Block
PGY3 Year
- 3-4 months: General Medical Ward Service*
- 2 months: Critical Care (ICU)
- 2 weeks: Geriatrics
- 1 month: Night Float
- 3-4 months: Electives
- 2 weeks (6 times/year): Outpatient Ambulatory Block
*PGY2 and PGY3 residents normally do three months of wards. However, this increases or decreases depending on how many senior residents are in the program.
Also of note, we have recently created a 4 + 2 schedule for interns. Here is a visual:

Our program offers a variety of electives:
- Anesthesia
- Cardiology
- Dermatology
- Endocrinology
- Infection disease
- Health screening
- Hematology
- ICU electives (in addition to your required month)
- Nephrology
- Oncology
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation
- Plastic surgery
- Psychiatry
- Pulmonology
- Radiology
- Research
- Rheumatology
- Sports medicine
- Total parenteral nutrition (TPN)
- Urgent care
In keeping with ACGME standards, each resident has one day free of patient related activities per week (on average). An average week on Medical Service is approximately 65-70 hours of patient care. An average week on ICU is approximately 70-75 hours of patient care.
General Medical Ward Service
This is a classical ward medicine inpatient medical service.
Four lettered teams (A-B-C-D) are composed of:
- An attending physician
- A senior resident
- A PGY1 resident
Each team is on call every third day from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m.
The average number of admissions per team per 24-hour call day is 6-8.
You are expected to be available by pager 07:00-17:00 weekdays.
Medical Intensive Care Unit (ICU)
Each resident spends at least one month per year in ICU.
These teams are composed of:
- A Critical Care Boarded Intensivist
- A senior resident
- A PGY1 resident
The average number of admissions per team per 24-hour call day is 1.8, with average census of 4.3 patients.
As ICU rotation is quite demanding, and patient care requirements preclude predictability, your ambulatory clinic is held during your ICU months.
Subspecialty Rotations
These months emphasize detailed study of the specialty at hand while allowing time for scholarly and personal pursuits.
Call days may require evening/nighttime presence in the hospital (at a much lower intensity than Medical Service and ICU). Many rotations do not have call.