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Marshfield Medical Center Birth Center

Marshfield Medical Center Birth Center provides growing central Wisconsin families access to exceptional pregnancy and newborn care, along with pediatric specialties through Marshfield Children’s Hospital.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Pregnancy is a life-changing experience. Our providers are with you every step of the way to guide, comfort and provide the best care possible for you. ​

Marshfield Medical Center delivers complete care and support to more than 1,000 newborn babies and families each year. We offer 24/7 in-hospital OB Physician, Midwife and Anesthesia coverage. ​

Our highly trained health care professionals provide personalized care for women during pregnancy and beyond, whether uncomplicated or high risk. Our Maternal Fetal Medicine and Neonatology experts work together with your OB Provider to provide the most comprehensive, highest level of care available in the region.

When complications are unexpected, our dedicated Level III Neonatal Intensive Care Unit in Marshfield Children's Hospital is steps away from the Birth Center and can provide specialized care when needed. Peace of mind that you have the most qualified health professionals at your fingertips when you need it.

Marshfield Medical Center Birth Center is an Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Distinction® Cent​er for Maternity Care​​

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Visitor Guidelines

Marshfield Medical Center has visiting hours from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. and 4 p.m. to 8 p.m., Monday-Sunday, seven days a week. 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. is quiet time (no visitors allowed). Quiet Time allows mothers time to recover, promotes bonding, helps establish breastfeeding and gives mothers much needed rest.

Temporary visitation restrictions are in place until further notice. These restrictions include:

  • Children younger than 18, including siblings, will not be allowed to visit.
  • You may have up to six visitors during your hospital stay: your two support people plus four additional healthy visitors. Visitors must remain the same throughout your entire hospitalization.
  • Only two support people are allowed in labor and delivery. They must remain the same throughout your labor, delivery and recovery.

Please do not visit if you have any of the following symptoms: fever, cough, body aches, sore throat, vomiting or diarrhea.

Thank you for your cooperation. Restrictions will be lifted as soon as possible.

Preparing for Childbirth

It is important that you discuss your questions and concerns about labor and delivery with your women’s health provider. We want to make you feel comfortable and provide a safe and positive birth experience for you and your family.

Download and complete your Birth Plan. View our preparing for childbirth webpage for more details.

Perinatal Education Session/Birth Center Tour

Marshfield Medical Center in Marshfield offers perinatal education sessions to provide you with prenatal education and support as well as help you prepare for your upcoming hospital stay.

Learn more >

Signs and Symptoms of Labor

Each person may experience labor in a different way. If you are concerned, at any point, regarding your symptoms or if you have any questions, please call OB Clinic 715-387-5161 from 8 a.m - 5 p.m. and the Birth Center main desk at 715-387-7071 after hours and ask to speak to a nurse.

View our Labor and Delivery page for signs and symptoms of labor >

What to do when your labor starts

Please always call the Birth Center desk before heading to the hospital so that we may prepare and be ready for your arrival.

  • • During daytime hours, call the OB Clinic 715-387-5161 and ask to talk with a triage nurse.
  • • After clinic hours, please call the Birth Center main desk at 715-387-7071 and ask to speak with a nurse.

Arriving at the Hospital:

  • • 6 a.m. – 8 p.m. – Please park in the parking lot by the hospital main entrance and enter through the main entrance doors. You will be screened upon entry and they will direct you to the Birth Center.
  • • 8 p.m. – 6 a.m. – Please park in the Emergency Room parking lot. Enter through the Alternate ED Entrance set up specifically for laboring/OB and Oncology patients. You will be screened upon entry and will be escorted to the Birth Center.

There are many medications that can be safe to take during pregnancy. Talk to your women's health provider if you have any questions or concerns. View this comprehensive list of safe medications >

Your Hospital Stay

Our goal at the Birth Center is to make your childbirth experience positive, relaxed, memorable and as personalized as possible. Each patient starts in a labor and delivery suite. Once delivery and recovery is complete, mom and baby will be moved to a clean, private postpartum room for the remainder of their stay.

Security is our No. 1 priority. Your baby will be safe in the Birth Center. We use an electronic tag system to monitor each baby. In addition, our unit is locked with one designated secure entrance for patients and visitors.

To help make childbirth as comfortable as possible, there are options for pain relief. Your nurse or provider is happy to discuss these options with you. Epidural anesthesia is available 24/7.

Skin to Skin after Delivery and C-Section

  • • Studies have shown that normal, term newborns who are placed skin to skin with their mothers immediately after birth, make the transition from fetal to newborn life with decreased stress. They have been shown to:
    • • Maintain their body temperature better
    • • Experience more stable heart rate and breathing
    • • Have higher blood oxygen levels
    • • Have more success with breastfeeding immediately after birth
    • • Better able to absorb and digest nutrients.
  • • We recommend skin to skin for both vaginal and c-section deliveries. If you have questions, please talk with your provider or nurse to receive more details.

Postpartum Tubal Ligation is also offered at Marshfield Medical Center and can be coordinated with your delivery. Please contact your provider for further details.

Lactation Services: We have trained IBCLC (Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultants) and Certified Lactation Counselors to assist and support you with all of your breastfeeding questions. They are available 6 days a week to meet your needs. Please see the link provided for more details.

Rooming in with Your Baby: One of the positive aspects of family centered care at the Birth Center is that your baby stays with you from the moment of birth. We encourage rooming in so that you can facilitate bonding with your baby, develop successful feeding plans and discover the unique qualities that your baby has. Nurses are available to assist every step of the way. The Pediatrician will round daily to discuss the care of your new baby.

Going Home: routine discharge is by 12:00 noon on the day of discharge. You, your OB provider and the baby’s Pediatrician will determine together when you and your baby are ready to go home. Mothers who have a vaginal birth may go home 1-2 days after the birth. Mothers who have a c-section delivery usually go home 3-4 days after giving birth.

Breastfeeding/Lactation Services

​Marshfield Medical Center Birth Center offers lactation services staffed by International Board Certified Lactation Consultants (IBCLC), who educate you on breastfeeding and work with you to overcome breastfeeding difficulties.

Learn more about lactation services >

Marshfield Medical Center in Marshfield accepts breast milk donations. Our milk depot program makes it possible for area women with an extra supply of breast milk to donate their milk. Learn more about MMC breast milk depot >

Marshfield Medical Center offers a variety of childbirth education classes and support groups to help you prepare for the arrival of your baby. Find classes >

Check out our Circle of Moms Breastfeeding Support Group Facebook group. Find support here >

Marshfield Medical Center Birth Center

611 N Saint Joseph Ave
Marshfield, WI 54449​

Arriving at the hospital
6 a.m. to 8 p.m.: Please enter through the Hospital Main Entrance

8 p.m.- 6 a.m.: Please enter through the Emergency Department Entrance on the first floor next to the Main Entrance to the hospital.​

The Birth Center is located on the second floor near the West Elevator.

Birth Center main desk: 715-387-7071

Lactation Warmline: 715-389-3903

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: 715-387-7083

OB/GYN Clinic: 715-387-5161
Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Find a women's provider

Visiting Hours - Daily

Monday-Sunday, 7 days a week: 

10 a.m. to 1 p.m., 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. 

1 p.m. to 4 p.m. is quiet time (no visitors allowed)

Quiet Time allows mothers time to recover, promotes bonding, helps establish breastfeeding and gives mothers much needed rest.


Shining Star

Our Shining Star program offers grateful patients and loved ones the opportunity to recognize a Clinic​ employee who has made a meaningful difference in their health care experience. Click here to make a Shining Star gift.​


Want to thank a nurse at Marshfield Medical Center - Marshfield who went above and beyond during your health care visit? Click here to share your story and fill out a DAISY Award nomination form.​​