"The people I care for here are really what keep me so connected to these communities."
Nurse Practitioner Rick Anderson joined
Marshfield Clinic Health System Internal
Medicine in 2007. He is a familiar face
to many people in the Park Falls and
Phillips communities. He continued
his practice at Park Falls Center after
completing his clinical training there,
and now offers comprehensive health
care for adults in both locations.
“After completing my clinical training,
I found that I really enjoyed the people
in Price County that I had the pleasure
to work with in these communities, and
decided I wanted to stay right here,”
Rick said.
Rick received his degree in Nursing from
Northern Michigan University and attained
his Masters of Science degree in Nursing from Concordia University. He previously worked for Ministry Health Care at the former Saint Joseph’s Hospital in Marshfield, and at Grandview Hospital
in Ironwood, Michigan.
Working in Park Falls and Phillips allows Anderson to get to know his neighbors in Price County.
“We’ve built our home and our life here and we love living and working here,”
he said.