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info iconMCHS representatives will not ask for credit, debit or checking information unless you have agreed to make a payment.

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    MCHS representatives will not ask for credit, debit or checking information unless you have agreed to make a payment.

Make a payment

Marshfield Medical Center-Dickinson offers a convenient online option for paying your bills.

To begin: Click on the box below that matches the bill you received.

Information about your bill

Separate bills are issued for services provided in the hospital and the clinics. If you have questions regarding a bill you received, contact a patient billing representative (hospital charges) or the individual billing telephone number indicated on your statement (for physician offices).

Some Dickinson-owned clinics are outpatient departments of Dickinson and are termed Provider Based Clinics by Medicare. If you are a Medicare patient and receive care at a Provider Based Clinic, you will receive two bills.

For hospital services, you may receive separate bills from additional physicians who were involved in your care. For example, you may receive bills from providers who reviewed your test results, even if you did not see the provider in person. Pathologists, radiologists, cardiologists, anesthesiologists and other specialists will bill you separately from your hospital bill.

Contact us

Insurance billing questions

Medicare – for last names beginning:
• A-L: 906-776-5764
• M-Z: 906-776-5633

MI BCBS / MI Medicaid – for last names beginning:
• A-L: 906-776-5727
• M-Z: 906-776-5730

Commercial / Managed Care / WC / MVA / WI Medicaid / Other – for last names beginning:
• A-L: 906-776-5729
• M-Z: 906-776-5631

Self-Pay Billing – for last names beginning:
• A-F: 906-776-5664
• G-L: 906-776-5643
• M-Z: 906-776-5666

Specialty provider billing questions

• Radiology Associates of Iron Mountain – 866-720-2506
• Dickinson County EKG Readers – 906-774-8361
• Anesthesia Business Consultants – 800-242-1131 x4616

Physician billing

Call: 906-776-5630

Click the bill that looks most like yours
We are transitioning billing systems. Select the image that looks most like your bill. Thank you for your patience
Flambeau billLMC bill
Hospital online bill pay is coming soon. To make a payment, call 715-207-6992. An account manager is happy to assist.