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Tribute Gifts and Memorials

​​​​Gifts to Marshfield Clinic Health System can be designated in memory or honor of a loved one, friend, neighbor, co-worker or anyone you wish to remember or honor in this special way.  

Tribute Gifts

Tribute gifts can be made online or mailed to Marshfield Clinic Health System (donation fo​rm). Simply provide the name of the person(s) you are memorializing or honoring and a contact name and address to whom we can send notice of your gift. We will not disclose the amount given.

If the person you wish to honor is a Marshfield Clinic Health System employee, you can make a gift through the Shining Star Program.   

Memorial Donations in Obituaries

Families may wish to include Marshfield Clinic Health System in the obituary of a loved one. Thank you for your kind generosity and please consider the following wording when preparing the obituary:

  • "The family requests that memorials donations be made to Marshfield Clinic (for fund or interest of choice, such as cancer research), Attn: MCHS Foundation, 1000 N Oak Ave, Marshfield, WI 54​449."
  • or
  • “In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be made to Marshfield Clinic Health System Foundation (for fund or interest of choice, such as heart research), Attn: MCHS Foundation, 1000 N Oak Ave, Marshfield, WI 54449."

Memorial gifts received by the family may be sent to Marshfield Clinic Health System Foundation at the address above. Arrangements can also be made for us to pick up memorials you have received by calling 715-387-9249 or 1-800​-858-5220. Please include the names and addresses of the memorial donors so that we may acknowledge the donors and provide them with information needed for tax filing purposes.

We will advise the family of any memorials sent directly to M​CHS Foundation. The dollar amount will not be disclosed, but we will provide the name and address of the donors in the event the family would like to acknowledge those memorial gifts as well.

As noted above for all tribute gifts, the names of those for whom memorials are received will be listed online.

Honor and Memorial Gifts (2024​)

In honor of:
Dr. Pablo Abrego
Lisa Barta
Chris Berenz
William Boulieu
Nikolas Boyer
Jenna Brehm
Kristen Brodhagen
Lakken Burzynski
Josephina Rey Castellano
Pamela K. Cram
Jana Dickert
Ryan P. Dieringer
Sue Dieringer
Cheyanne Dobozenski
Julianne Drexler
Amy Eckes
Deb Englehart
Susanne Erickson
Russ Field
Declan Fisher
Michael Fleury
Dr. Lisa Francis
Carol Franz
Kato Gardner
Henry Garrett
James Gilbert
Heather Gross
Jonas Grosscurth-Schulte
Paul J. Haebig
Dr. Robert Haws
Joellen Heiman
Ken & Joellen Heiman
Gayle Herb
Ashley Herman
Larry Hicks
Janet Hoff
Jared Jarosz
Delores Jensen
Trevor Jensen
Abigail Jones
Lauri Kollross
Emmitt Konieczny
Calvin Kozik
William Krause
Naomi Kretschmer
Julie Lang
Lyle Lang
Madisyn Lang
Lucas Larsen
Randall Lauer
Ethan Lehman
David Lenz
Linn Little
Jean Machart
Mike Mallek
Ethan Marthaler
Ashley N. Morris
Carly A. Morris
Judith Netzer
Cindy Nymo
Robert Ochoa
Dr. Adedayo A. Onitilo
Kevin Opelt
Dr. James Opitz
Marilynn P. Orton
Betty C. Peterson
Trevett Peterson
Shari Rabehl
Herb Rebhan
Ace Rutkowski
Betty Schmidt
Connie J. Schubert
Donna M. Schultz
Rich Seubert
Dr. Anna Seydel
Barb Simonis
The Amazing 12 Child Life Specialists
Autumn Sternweis
Robert & Justine Stolze
Dennis & Betsy Suckow
Lois TeStrake
Rana Krishna Reddy Thappeta
Sarala Thappeta
Rita Tranberg
Samantha Wade
Donald Wagner
Sammy Weber
Jennifer Werner
Casey Wittmann
Tomi Younts Hernandez
Tammy Zakovec
Christina Zaleski
Jacob Zimmerman

In memory of:

Xhelal Ajdini
Darlene Albers
Paula Alessandrini
William "Bill" Allen
Thomas Anklam
Jim Arch
Steven Arendt
Patricia Arens
Angelo Argoudelis
Shirley Ashenberg
Larry Auman
Larry Barr
Todd D. Barron
Jackie Barum
Iris J. Bauer
Lucille Bauer
James Bauman
Paul Beck
Vasiliki "Kiki" Beltaos
Mary Lou Bennett
Catherine Benson
Jim Benson
Barbara L. Besler
Vlasta Valenta Blaha
Shirley Blicharz
Elizabeth Bliven
Jeanette A. Bohman
Jerold J. Bohman
Marie J. Bohman
Marvin Bohman
Randy Bohman
William & Marie Bohman
Steve Botes, Sr.
Wilma Boulieu
Maynard Bowe
Melvin M. Braden
Allen Branstrom (Papa Al)
Marion Brasier
JoAnn C. Brown
Brian P. Brunner
Dr. Raymond E. Burrill
Karen L. Buttke
Sharon Bychinski
Lillian Caswell
Richard J. Celello
Jeremy Chaffin
Darryl Clauson
Christine M. Cliver
Sheila Collopy
William and Jeanette Cox
Thomas H. Crary
Linda Crass
Bobbie Cyr
Patricia Czech
Missi Dahm
Donna E. David
Colin Davidson
Larry Dick
Betty Diedrick
Mary Jane Dieringer
Kathleen Dietsche
Dennis Domagola
Ardath Dums
James. L. Dunlap
Rosemary Durch
Donald Eilers
Tom Eilers
Sandra Enderle
Vincent Endres
Mary Jo Enstrom
Robert Enstrom
Shirley Erickson
William Erpenbach
Joan Fait
Jennifer Firkus
Martha Fischer
Olive Fisher
Anette Formantes
Philibert J. "Phil" Forrest
Carolyn Fox
Timmy French
Eric Galke
Karen Gates
Maria Gatzke
Barbara Gaulke
Connie Gehler
Thomas R. Gibbs
Richard "Dick" Giese
Dianna Giguere
John P. Greenberg
Nancy Grezenski
Norbert Griesbach
Margaret "Peg" Griese
Elaine Grosskopf
Elmer Grosskopf
Kasey Lee Guldan
Jay Guthrie
Helen E. Haessly
Gerald Hahn
Floyd Hamus
Wanda Hamus
Amy J. Hanson
Earl and Dorothy Hartung
Donald Hasenohrl
Regina Hayes
Fae A. Heller
Jeffrey Helminiak
Cheryl Henkel
Dr. Timothy Herbert
Jane M. Herr
William J. Herr
Donald Hoff
Herbert P. Hoffman
Bitsy Hogg
Thomas J. Huebner
Dr. Daniel Jacobson
James Jalowitz, Jr.
Rita Janz
Leland Kaehny
Cheryl Kaiser
Ronald Karch
Anastacia Keller
Larry Kibbel
Clarice Kieffer
LuAnn Klueckmann
Brian Kluender
Kari Kollmansberger
Bronson Konkol
Marcy Kornack
Alfred A. Koser
Jerry A. Kraus
George and Neva Krauss
Melanie Krebsbach
Joseph A. Kremsreiter
Sandy Kremsreiter
Bonnie Krizan
Kim Kublank
Andrew "Andy" J. Kuehnhold
Bernard Kunze
Bret LaBumbard
Randy LaGrander
Fran Landrath
Denny Landro
Magnus Larsson
Izabelle Lily Leary
Quinn Leary
Lori Leggate
Bruce A. Lemery
Emmett Leonard
Pattrick Lloyd
Nancy J. Lohela
Jim Lucas
Margaret J. Luchtman
Patricia MacDonald
Travis Maki
William Maki
Rachel March
Jack & Helen Marinich
Ila Markus
Ronald Maronde
Lorraine A. Marzofka
Julia "Julie" Mattmiller
Dr. Paul Meier
Jerrold N. Meissner
Sara J. Melgar
Jane L Meyer
Peter Michaelson
George Michels
Mikala Miller
Sharon Mixdorf
Ellen Moen
Gary Monson
Philip Morehead
Kenneth P. Mosentine
James Mueller
Margaret A. Mueller
Christine Grace Mullen
Steve "Smurf" Murphy
Fran E. Neitzel
Theone Neumann
Thomas "Doc" Nikolai
Robert Nikolay "Bob"
William M. "Bill" Nugent
Brian O'Donnell
Joan O'Halloran
Robert "Bob" Olli
Ronald Parks
Mary Pastuovic
Sandra Paulsen
LaVerne Pawlowski
Faye Pedersen
A.M. Peter
Jane E. Peterson
Jackie Pickett
Joseph & Agatha Plucinski
Ray Peoppel
Rhonda Poirier
Andrew Price
Jodi L. Prock
Emery Rahm
Ronald G. Rasmussen, Jr.
Mary L. Redding
Ronald E. Regele
Pauline Reidl
Donna Reiland
John Rice
Bob Rigoni
George R. Rocque
Miss Jordyn Roehl, Derek "the Dude" Roehl, Jerry Weber
Jean Roehrborn
Kelsey Rothamer
Rt. Rev. Warren A. Sautebin
John Schalow
Al Schepp
David Schepp
Marian M. Scherwinski
Emil Scheurer
Marlene Schmidt
Anthony Schmitt
Matthew J. Schneider
Reuben R. Scholze
Judy Schoone
Larry Schroeder
Allen M. Schrum
Kory Schueller
Charles Schulze
Alma Seehafer
Elmer Seehafer
Elizabeth J. Severt "Betty"
Santosh Sharma
Olive Sheets
Darlene Shermo
Kenneth Shong
Sara Shookman-Melgar
Ian Skaar
Annabelle Skaletski
Bonnie L. Skattebo
Irma Skillings
Ray Smith
Connie Soper
Paul Owen Spiegel
Thomas E. Stack
Lonnie Stadler
James W. Stadter
Jessica Rae Stanislowski
Karen M. Stankowski
Walt Steinmetz
Dr. C. Todd Stewart
Kathy Stieve
Dolores Strohman
Paul Strub
Derek Stueland
Avis Suda
Glenn C. Swetz
Frank Szomi, Jr.
Lonnie Tanck
Andrew Thiel
Dennis Thomas
Patricia Tietyen
Michelle A. Totzke
Bob Treglowne
Steven Trierweiler
Jordan Lee Tucker
Ronald H. Tucker
Dr. Richard Ulmer
Kurt Umnus Jr.
Lyle Underwood
Lindsay Updyke
Joe Valiga
Nancy Vought
Donna M. Vruwink
Ronald Vruwink
Dr. Stephen Wagner
Wayne Walters
Geri Webb
Frances Wegrzyn
Yvonne Weis
Arlene Wenzlaff
Reinhold Werth
Franklin D. West
Nancy Whaley
Rita Wiesman
Victor A. Wiesman
Jane H. Wikum
Virgina Wimberly
Cathy Wingert
Renee Wittlinger
Denis Woik
Frank Wojcik
Helen Wojcik
Glenn Wucherpfennig
Victor Zarlinga
Cheryl Zoch
Marie Zoellner
Scarlett Zorn
Louis & Gen Zschernitz
Lindsay (Dick) Zuelke