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COVID-19 Treatments

Image of individual getting a COVID-19 vaccine

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Marshfield Clinic Health System is dedicated to providing evidence-based treatment options for COVID-19. 

These treatment options include those that are fully approved or available under emergency use authorization by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Below are COVID-19 treatments available at our facilities. ​

Available Before Hospitalization

The below treatments are available prior to COVID-19 hospitalization. Talk to your provider about your options and when is the appropriate time to come in with COVID-19.​  ​

COVID-19 Vaccination

Extensive research continues to show COVID-19 vaccines continue to be the safest and most effective way to prevent infection, hospitalization and death from COVID-19. COVID-19 vaccines are readily available at several of our facilities.

Learn more about COVID-19 vaccines

Monoclonal Antibody Therapy

Monoclonal antibody therapy may be available for Health System patients that test positive for COVID-19. They must be evaluated by a Health System primary care, emergency or urgent care provider to determine if they are a candidate.

This therapy is available under FDA emergency use authorization in people at high risk for severe COVID-19 or hospitalization. Monoclonal antibodies are provided as an intravenous (IV) infusion in an effort to enhance the immune system's response.

Treatment should be started as soon as possible after COVID-19 positive test results and within 10 days of symptom onset, according to the FDA.

Learn more about how monoclonal antibody therapy works

Available During ​Hospitalization

The below treatments are available during​ hospitalization due to COVID-19. ​​


Remdesivir may be available for patients hospitalized for COVID-19 at Marshfield Clinic Health System facilities. It is an FDA-approved treatment for COVID-19 that has been shown to shorten hospital stays for patients with moderate to severe COVID-19.

Research has not shown remdesivir to reduce death in COVID-19 patients. Nor has research shown remdesivir to be an effective treatment for people with COVID-19 on high-flow oxygen or a mechanical ventilator.

Learn more about remdesivir


Dexamethasone may be available for patients hospitalized for COVID-19 at Marshfield Clinic Health System facilities. It is an FDA-approved treatment for acute respiratory disease syndrome, which can be a result of severe COVID-19.

Research has shown it to be an effective treatment for people with severe COVID-19.

Supplemental oxygen is provided to our patients with low oxygen levels. Blood thinners are also commonly used to reduce the risk of blood clotting.

Medicines Not Approved for COVID-19 Treatment

We do not offer the below treatments for COVID-19 because none are FDA-approved or available under FDA emergency use authorization.​​


Ivermectin is not an FDA-approved treatment for COVID-19 or available under FDA emergency use authorization. When taking the prescribed form of ivermectin, it is an FDA-approved treatment to treat certain infections caused by internal and external parasites.

There is not enough data at this time to recommend ivermectin for the treatment of COVID-19. There are ongoing clinical trials that may provide more information in the future.

It is possible to overdose on ivermectin. Please do not exceed daily use limits.

Learn more about ivermectin


Hydroxychloroquine is not an FDA-approved treatment for COVID-19 or available under FDA emergency use authorization. Hydroxychloroquine is an FDA-approved treatment to treat certain autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus and rheumatoid arthritis.

There is enough data from clinical trials, observational studies and/or single-arm studies to show hydroxychloroquine is not an effective treatment for COVID-19.  

Convalescent plasma

Convalescent plasma is not an FDA-approved treatment for COVID-19 or available under FDA emergency use authorization.

There is enough data from a clinical trial to show convalescent plasma is not an effective treatment for COVID-19. 

Learn more about ​convalescent plasma

Dietary supplements (vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, etc.)

There are no dietary supplements that are FDA-approved treatments for COVID-19, FDA-approved to prevent COVID-19 or available under FDA emergency use authorization.

There is not enough data at this time to recomme​nd dietary supplements for the treatment or prevention of COVID-19.

Vitamin C, vitamin D and zinc are required for proper immune function. However, it is unknown to what extent these supplements impact the immune system, and thus it is not known if these supplements are beneficial for individuals with COVID-19. ​

Looking for more information on COVID-19?

The situation is changing daily, and we regularly update our COVID-19 web page with information and resources you need to protect you and your family.

  Click here  

View our COVID-19 blogs​

Get the latest articles on key COVID-19 topics by visiting our Shine365 blog.

  Read more  ​​​​