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Gifts that Provide Income

​Gifts that Provide Income 

There are several ways to give that provide a triple benefit. These gifts provide an income tax deduction, offer capital gains tax avoidance and provide income to you or others for life.

Charitable Gift Annuity – A charitable gift annuity is a contract between you and the Clinic that allows you to make a gift while the Clinic agrees to pay you and/or your spouse or others a stated annual income for life. This popular giving vehicle also offers you a generous income tax deduction.

Charitable Remainder Trust – A charitable remainder trust is a trust which reserves for you, the donor, either an income for life or for a term of years. Donors may elect to receive an amount each year equal to a fixed percentage of fair market value of the trust assets, or elect to receive a set dollar amount each year.

Charitable Lead Trust – If you own assets that have appreciated in value, you may want to consider establishing a charitable lead trust. This type of trust provides the Clinic income for a specified term of years, after which the principal is returned to you, your children or other beneficiaries you designate.

To request your personal illustration of a gift annuity, charitable remainder trust or charitable lead trust, contact Jill Steckbauer​.

 Ways to Give

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