Nurse Practitioner Jamie Mealey is an experienced caregiver at Marshfield Medical Center. She started as a medical assistant, and went on to become a nurse in the critical care unit and gastroenterology. Through the years, she knew she wanted to become a nurse practitioner to have more impact on her patients’ care.
She spent two years in Internal Medicine before returning to specialize in Gastroenterology. Jamie can see patient with gastrointestinal bleeds, diverticulitis, inflammatory bowel disease, abdominal pain, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), nausea and vomiting, pancreatitis and biliary tract disorders, among others.
“As a patient, you can expect to be greeted with a warm, welcoming smile and professional attitude,” Jamie said. “I will give you my undivided attention during our visit and I will work hard to achieve the best possible outcomes for your unique needs.”
She earned her bachelor of science in nursing from the University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire and her graduate degree from Ball State University in Muncie, Indiana.
Jamie has four children who keep her busy with activities. Her family enjoys outdoor activities like camping and fishing.